We are committed to ensuring that more than 30% of executive positions in Japanese companies are held by women.With having a background in consulting and entrepreneurship since 2010, we have supported the promotion of gender diversity in over 100 Japanese companies, particularly in banks.

Despite facing numerous challenges, an increase in the number of women board members have gradually been increasing. 

Despite such numbers increasing, we can no longer afford to proceed at such a current pace,and with the support from many individuals, we aim to achieve a 30% ratio of female board members by 2030.


In June 2023, the Japanese government announced the "Basic Policy on Women's Active Participation (Intensive Policy for Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women 2023)." This policy aims to enhance the involvement of women in companies listed on the TSE Prime Market while also including a new target of having 30% or more female board members by 2030. 

While many Japanese companies are making efforts to train female employees, there remains a shortage of women candidates for executive positions. The percentage of female executives (such as directors, corporate auditors, and executives officers) in prime market-listed companies increased from 11.4% in July 2022 to 13.4% in July 2023. However, 18.7% of companies still had no female executives in 2022, and only increased to 10.9% in 2023. 


The government has highlighted that the percentage of women in general manager and section manager levels, which are potential candidates for executive positions, is still low. In order to meet our goals, we need to strengthen the recruitment and training of internal talent.

We agree with this assessment and are committed to doing our part through consulting and building a community together.

Examples of solutions we provide

  • Advice to management and HR on gender diversity
  • Mentorship” support for executive candidates
  • WOMAN COLLEGE, a cross-company training program for women
  • Female Executives Network
  • Outside Directors' Workshop